
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

If It's Served Pretty

Looking forward to the New Year....hoping it will be way, way better than 2011.  But I wonder, are we ever satisfied with the year that just passed?  We never seem to accomplish all of our goals, read enough books, lose enough weight, make enough money (that won't happen in my lifetime), declutter, volunteer more, eat healthier.  Well, maybe these are my goals, not yours, but I bet some of these are on your list for the "new year".  And really at the top, top, top of my list is to eat healthier.  Since my sweetheart moved, I have been extremely negligent in eating right.  I tend to snack, grab a bite here or there, but not eating properly or the right stuff.  It's not complicated, its just old fashioned common sense.  We all overeat and not eat right, we know we're doing it.  We feel most alert and alive when we eat the right foods and we eat frugally.  Give it a try, I know I am.  Maybe if the "right" foods are served on pretty dishes, eating right becomes a pleasure. 

Linking with Alicia for Wordless Wednesday.....

Until next time......


  1. i know it might sound silly ...but i've started something different. i tell myself oh, you have had that before ... you know what it tastes like, it's good but you don't need it to stay alive & healthy. i try to keep healthy foods around ... & for snacks as well. it's an on-going process. wish you luck on that. (:

  2. How right you are.

    Lovely images.

  3. wow what a pretty dish! and you are so right, our bodies NEED the correct fuel to run properly. Too bad I have fallen away from that these past 2 months. Maybe a resolution is in order for me too...

  4. We are on the same page Deanna. I need to get back on the bandwagon. I feel soooo much better when I eat more healthy and exercise. The problem is, once you fall OFF the is sooooo hard to catch up and jump back on. But I'm trying :)


  5. beautiful shots! i love the bokeh in the last one! I've been experimenting a lot with food photography myself lately, yours is lovely!

  6. These are gorgeous! Seems like such a beautiful presentation would make the goal easier to reach.

  7. You're right, I think presentation makes a difference. I usually eat pretty healthy, but I've really let things slide lately...I'm trying to get back on track now :)

  8. Does the same rule apply for non-healthy food? Serve it on a ugly plate and you won't eat it? :)

  9. This sure looks pretty to me Deanna, and what a great post!
    I am so glad you are here, and I wish you a most wonderful New Year.

  10. Oh Deanna, love these! I think you're on to something here . . .


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