Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What It's All About

Tuesday I went to a luncheon at Betty's home with other women of our church.  Betty had 3 tables set beautifully with lovely china and sweet flower bouquets at every table. The dining room was set with rose patterned china and the florist was able to harmonize the live roses with the lovelies on the china. A hand-picked florist for a hand-picked bouquet.

Which brings me to my bouquets. Needless to say my florist are the bins at Trader Joe's or an occasional trip to the grocery store. Nothing fancy but I appreciate the convenience and the price. And this time of year I don't even have to look for a vase or arrange any flowers since poinsettias are my go to flower for Christmas.

The house is decorated at last, took me forever this year. The boxes were stacked in the entry way for days. The kids would find little pathways thru to get to and from the front door, finally they gave up on the paths and just began jumping over the mess. Now I wonder just how long it will be before it all comes back down. My Mom believed that if you didn't take the decorations down before January 1st we would have bad luck the whole year. I really think that was a ploy to get us to move a little quicker in helping pack the Christmas decor away for another year. In days gone past my sweetie would do all the packing away.

The kitchen has some festive touches, a little tea set that I bought from a store no longer in business many years ago. That was in the era that nothing was on "sale" until after Christmas. I can't even remember when the business of sales before Christmas began, probably the same year that stores began decorating for the holidays before Halloween.  We seem to be in a constant state of change.

The Christmas cards appear in the mailbox each day which always brings me joy. (guess who the ham is in the middle??) I love seeing families grow and change and since most of my family live so far away sometimes the only way to see them is thru the greetings that come once a year. Thank goodness for facebook.

And speaking of are my two. Getting them to sit in a chair and look at me both at the same time is in itself a small miracle.

I have posted on Focusing On Life today with "my best of" list. Love to have you stop by. Happy first day of winter, happy?? we have been in a deep freeze for days. It's just now beginning to thaw. And Christmas day is predicted to be 50 degrees. Like I said, changes are constant. Breathe deeply and think calm thoughts as we approach the last days before Christmas, let's all remember what it's really about.

"As long as you live, keep learning how to live." ~ Seneca

Until next time.....


  1. For all the work you went to, you should definitely leave it up for a while.

  2. Your decorations are so lovely! TJ has beautiful flowers (:

  3. Deanna, your decorations are so beautiful.
    You can truly see all of the love that went into this.
    Do leave them up for a while. If it were me, I would want to enjoy them as long as possible.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and a bright and beautiful New Year. my friend.

  4. Love your "touches" . . .
    And your "two" . . .
    Oh my adorable . . .
    I care about you as you remember other
    days when your "sweetie" was decorating and
    helping along with you . . .
    Wishing you some smiles, warmth, quiet, joys, presence . . .
    Blessings Deanna . . .

  5. So much joy and beauty here! Delightful. But the best may be the picture of your kids! I can imagine how hard it is to get them to cooperate. And, yes, I recognize that face in the middle of your cards. She gets more like you every day. This was a joyful start to my day (I'm a day late) and I thank you!

    Merry, merry Christmas, my sweet friend! xo

  6. Decorations are beautiful but "the kids" are the icing on the cake....Such a great picture....definitely a framer....Merry Christmas and I hope it's filled with joy, lots of laughter, and good food....

  7. Merry Christmas....thankful we met through blogging and remain connected through our fait. Sometime when we are in town, it would be fun to connect with you. Your house is beautiful. Love that you call your husband, "sweetie". Love.....what God did for us at Christmas. You model that for us.

  8. Your tree is just gorgeous Deanna-your camera takes tack sharp photos. Merry Christmas my friend.

  9. Deanna,
    I hope you had a joyous Christmas celebration and wish you the very best 2017 has to offer.
    Yea for getting your "kiddos" to look at you and perk their ears! Good picture.
    I have a soft spot for dishes and how fun to photograph pretty dishes with matching flowers!
    Blessings to you :)

  10. Running behind on things blog wise - but hope you had a wonderful holiday and don't have to endure an insufferable winter (though your images always make it look like paradise). Love the tree, adore the family cards and commend you on being able to capture the fur babies together - looking at you - at the same time. Amazing.

  11. just checking in to see if your decorations are down yet?? I kept mine up till Feb last year after my surgeries, and think my luck was great last year.... so. think that might have been an old wives tale. Love that photo of your fur babies!!

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