Falling behind again.....little tiny excuse, caught a nasty cold that seemed to take up permanent residence in my head for the better part of last week thru the weekend. Feeling better now, thank you.
But before all that happened, I had a chance to drool over this wonderful display of Downton Abbey finery at a small museum in Chicago. The Driehaus Museum is a spectacular home built during the gilded age of the 19th century and owned by a banker of great wealth. In 2003 Richard Driehaus (another man of obvious great wealth) decided to restore this grand home to it's original opulence and open it for public displays. Let me just say, there couldn't have been a better venue to show off the fashions that our favorite family wore during the past 6 years. So sad that Sunday is the last of the Downton delights. It has been one of my favs since it's first season. It will definitely go on my "happy" list.

This was probably the only time in the past several years that I have not lugged my big-girl camera along while traveling into the city. I was joining 4 friends, riding the train, walking to and fro and just decided no extra baggage was needed. So my I-Phone was the camera of choice for the day.
A couple of street scenes...loved the green shoes with those tights and NO that is definitely not an advertisement for Trump, I just love this view of the city from the bridge.
After our trip to the museum, a quite tasty lunch with $3.00 Mimosas, and a walk to the Art Museum for a viewing of works by Vincent Van Gogh, we walked by one of my favorite areas of the city. Millenium Park and the Bean. In the summertime this area is filled with out-door diners, but in the winter the city converts it into an ice rink. As you can see it was a gorgeous day, probably in the 50's, sun shining, breezes blowing (which later took a definite turn from breezy to knock you off your feet windy). We had quite a trip from the Art Museum to the train station. Let's just say I never want to be in winds that strong EVER again.

The only reason I am writing this post today is that the plane scheduled to take me to my late winter migration to Phoenix was cancelled due to snow and ice conditions. Altho as I am typing this I do hear a plane in the air. Oh well, better safe than sorry. Somehow sitting in the seat of a plane and watching a team de-icing the wings tends to make me a might uncomfortable. Re-scheduled for tomorrow when Mother Nature calms herself....after all it is March 1st. Isn't the saying "In like a lion..." well predicted.
More Happy.... Don't be surprised if I repeat myself, forgetfulness is my middle name these days.
33. Downton Abbey - loved watching this show, will miss all the characters, the costumes, the story-lines, the love, the ups and downs. I'm sure tears will be rolling down my cheeks on Sunday night, but they will be "happy" tears.
34. Movies - I've loved movies since I was a kid too little to cross the busy street by myself. I have written a piece about my love for the movies for my collaborative blog
Focusing On Life tomorrow (Wednesday).
35. My Kindle - I was one of those that said "I'll never give up books", well guess what, I have become a total fan of the Kindle e-reader. I have bookshelves of books on that little device. I splurged last week and purchased the new Kindle Fire 10. Lightweight, big screen....love it.
36. The aroma of anything by Crabtree & Evelyn. I just love all of their fragrances.
37. A window seat on an airplane. I love watching the clouds, seeing glimpses of the land below, and taking an Instagram shot of the wings of the plane.
38. Google - It makes me so happy to have an answer to a question or directions in an instant.
39. Having my hair washed at the hair salon. I want that gentle rubbing on my head to go on forever.
40. Warmed peanut butter on toast
41. A nap on the screen porch in the summertime
42. Crab Apple tree blossoms in the spring
43. When people drive me home and wait until I unlock the door before they drive away.
44. Band concerts in the park
45. Strolling along the Riverwalk
46. Right out of the oven chocolate chip cookies
47. Flea Markets
48. Remembering when phone exchanges all had names....mine was DAVIS 7 1095.
49. Lily of the Valley in spring
50. French Toast with apple butter.
So the remains of my list will be written from Phoenix since I will be there for my birthday. I am sure that my surroundings will influence my list.
Until next time.....