Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 7 - The Gratitude Diary

Yes, I don't think this is going to be an original in anybody's book of gratitude....that morning cup of coffee and added to this the morning newspaper.  Every day after the morning stopover in the bathroom and letting the "kids" out for their morning stopover at their bathroom, I prepare the coffee. While that coffee is brewing I walk out the front door to retrieve the morning newspaper and the mail delivered the day before from the mailbox.  It is almost robotic.  Undoubtedly I could do this blindfolded except I probably could never find the newspaper since it appears to be in a different spot each day.

After this series of moves, it is now time to enjoy that first cup and read the good (the comics) and the bad (everything else) in the newspaper.  Just kidding about all the bad, but admittedly, there is a lot of that.  So for the robotics of the morning, the good & bad from the printed news, and that first glorious cup of coffee for these I am grateful.

"We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but today is overflowing with potential."  ~Allan Lokos

Until next time.....


  1. Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y me ha encantado, te invito a ver el mío, esta semana seguro que muchos de vosotros no resistiríamos la tentación de comerse un buen puñado de castañas calentitas. Pero sabeu cuál es el origen de esta fiesta? ¿Por qué, año tras año, cuando llega el otoño, nos gusta reunirnos con la familia o con los amigos para tostar las castañas y comérnoslas juntos y por eso adornamos la casa. Os explicare algunas razones y cómo decorar el hogar para esta ocasion, Deseo que te guste y si es así y no eres seguidora espero que te hagas, gracias por visitarme.

  2. I think more than the coffee or even flipping through the news, it is the effortlessness of the routine. Something that is your steady when everything else to every day is subject to change. My days are better balanced when I can ease into them with a cup of coffee and visit on the web. A blessing.

  3. Up and at it . . . and grateful!
    Loving your November daily GRATITUDES . . .

  4. Ahhhhh, yes! Indeed. {Although for me, it's tea.} Have a lovely weekend, Deanna! xo

  5. Yep, Coffee is indeed something to be thankful for. I usually have a cup sitting on my desk, morning, noon or night. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold but always enjoyed.

  6. Love that morning cup of coffee. Looking forward to pumpkin spice tomorrow.
    This is a lovely shot,

  7. I THInk that this is one of the things that keeps JOY in our lives, the noticing of the small things that if you don't take care, just become robotics. Love your cups. They are great!

  8. I am thankful for the morning routine because it gives me a chance to start moving without having to think about what I am going to do next. To start the day with peace and quiet and my cup of tea is very important to me….Thanks for reminding us of the little things to be grateful for and as always loving that cup…..

  9. I think we all have our morning routine. I get a little discombobulated when I'm in a rush and can't enjoy mine.

  10. I will substitute tea for coffee and then I am right there with you, although we only get a physical paper on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

  11. My routine is quite similar...and I am thankful for it. Great quote too!

  12. Had I not even taken time to read your post, your photo tells it all! Lovely. :-)

  13. I will substitute tea for coffee (I had to stop drinking it 'cos I have insulin resistance, and I sure miss it), but my routine is quite similar. :)
    Wonderful quote and lovely photo too. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  14. The first thing I do each day is thank the Lord for a new day. At my age you know that you are on the downside of having a new day. The next thing I do is head for my morning coffee. it is a warm and wonderful treat each morning, and not to be taken for granted. I enjoyed your post:)
    Have a happy day, Connie :)

  15. The small things are what life is all about. The little everyday things that I all too often take for granted. Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Deanna! :)

  17. Lovely post, Deanna! I cherish every moment and try to 'live in the moment', as it were. Yesterday is past and tomorrow is not guaranteed. I think young children and animals can teach us much about living in the moment.


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