- I think a good cup of coffee is at the top of the list. Nothing gets my motor started better in the morning than that first cup, or the 2nd or the 3rd....but that's all, just 3.
- In the evenings I like a nice glass of wine...discovered Muscato recently and am lovin' it. But it's not fun drinking alone. When my Mother lived with me, we enjoyed a glass together almost every evening at 5:00 PM, sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. My sweetie never drank anything alcoholic, he was allergic to alcohol, would break out in hives, so until my Mom moved in with us I rarely drank a glass. Now that she is gone, I still carry on the tradition, altho not every evening.
- A good old fashioned chocolate soda with vanilla ice cream is my idea of a yummy treat. I haven't had one of these in years, not too many places have "soda", mostly shakes and smoothies are the treats of today. I have recently discovered "Red Mango" a smoothie place in our downtown that makes the best banana, strawberry, peanut butter, yogurt smoothie. I am sure it is much better for me than that chocolate soda.
- I love Dr. Pepper, not diet but regular. Growing up in the south where Dr. Pepper got it's start I remember the Dr. Pepper building with the big clock with the 10 2 and 4 highlighted...in other words...Dr. Pepper is good any time of the day. Unfortunately as I have aged and sleep evades me, I have really cut back on drinking caffeine during the day. After my coffee in the mornings, I try to stay away from caffeinated drinks.
- A frozen margarita can whet my thirst along with some chips and salsa...ahh a nice evening treat or at lunch, not picky.

"Who, being loved, is poor?" ~ Oscar Wilde
Until next time.....