Well, this was it....this was the weekend that had been marked on my calendar for months, the Walk for Alzheimer's. In years past, the thought had crossed my mind that it would probably be a good thing to do, but like so many other things in my life that I think are good things to do, ie: exercise, lose weight, clean out the basement or the garage, I tend to put them on the back burner. Kinda like Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind....I'll think about that tomorrow. But this year I didn't put it on the back burner, I wanted and needed to do it.
Like many, I went to the Alzheimer's Website, found the weekend that was scheduled for my home-town and with determination added my name to the list to be a team leader. Now it began. Sending out e-mails to friends & family members, bravely adding the information to donate on this blog, adding it to my facebook page...anyway I could think of to get the word out that I was attempting to raise money for this fight against this disease that took my sweetie far too early in our lives.
I can say with great humbleness that I raised over $4,000 to this cause. I am blessed to have so many friends that responded to this plea, friends that I had not seen for many years, you, my internet friends who I have never met, my friends that I see regularly and my family. All so very generous. My heart was filled to over-flowing when the monies kept coming in. And to the 15 of us that walked yesterday, honoring all of those affected by this devastating disease, another feeling of gratitude that somehow words just cannot express.
The walk began at the North Central College football field....
We put on our T-shirts and wrist-bands
We all were given Memory Flowers, each color representing
Purple - One who had passed away from Alzheimer's
Yellow - One who has a loved one with Alzheimer's
Orange - Supporting the Alzheimer's Foundation
Green - One who currently has Alzheimer's
After the opening ceremonies, the 3 mile walk began. It was a beautiful day, temps in the upper 60's, clear blue skies with a few puffy clouds, a perfect day for walking. Along with my family, several friends walked with us, supporting TEAM GARY. There were 15 of us walking together and before we knew it, the Walk was over.
Besides having alot of my family at the walk and many friends, the bonus was having my two children together long enough to take a picture.
Lane left this morning on an early flight to LA, with a promise that he and his wife Nelly will be back at Thanksgiving which is only 67 days from today, but whose counting.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for those of you that donated to this most worthy cause.
"Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind." ~ Sam N. Hampton

Until next time....