Thursday, February 18, 2016
Just My Opinion
OK, I am just going to come right out and say it. Am I the only one that thinks that the center of a tulip is a distinct replication of a man's penis? I do enjoy watching the colors becoming richer, the veins become more distinct, but what really hit's me is that resemblance to a man's junk or schlong, or whatever you may want to label it. And btw there is a website that gives 174 different ways to identify "penis". And no, I will not give you the link. And no, I have not seen one lately, needless to say, But not seeing one in recent times does not dim my recollection.
And no, this will not be added to the 73 things that make me happy. Altho having one more dive into lust-filled sex wouldn't be beyond a wish list. People, I have no idea where this is coming from. I think it all must be related to this growing older thing and realizing that some things are not ever going to happen again. I'm just speakin' the truth, nothing but the truth.
I was going to write a little about Lent here, but I think it is unappropriate to speak of good practices during Lent and my "preoccupation" with the center of a tulip in the same post. Look for it later.
A couple of happy things....
29. Butter (not margarine) real butter.
30. Elastic waist pants that don't look like sweat pants. Comfort and style.
31. Sweet cream in my coffee.
32. Finding an old love letter from my sweetie on the floor in the closet.
Happy Thursday, off to bookclub this evening with the book, "The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy". Read it, you'll like it.
Until next time....
Monday, February 15, 2016
Cut To The Chase....
Oops, if I don't keep at it, my birthday will be here before I have listed 73 things that make me happy. I am barely up to #16 so I need to "cut to the chase" aka leave out all of the unnecessary details and just get right to the point. Where do those kind of idioms get started? For the inquisitive mind, there is a website entitled that lists, like the above idiom, along with many others, its definition.
And if anyone is curious, Boone made it thru surgery without any issues and was released from the vet hospital the next morning. Bailey, however, was the one with the issues. You would have thought Boone was on his death bed the way she worried and fussed. Both are fine now and no more furniture scratching. I can now pull all the blankets off of the couch that were wrapped around each of the arms. Normal again, I guess as normal as a house with a 70 something year old, a 20 something year old, 2 dogs and 1 cat.
Oh, btw, Happy Valentine's Day. Hope it was filled with LOVE. Bailey hand-modeled for me for this shot. She has her nails manicured regularly and I thought they were perfect for holding a hand-full of heart candy. I really, really don't like that candy, it tastes like chalk with a little sugar thrown in but it made for a nice image. Give me something with chocolate and I'm a happy girl, or cream cheese. Chocolate and cream cheese together is perfection.
16. Taking photographs of hands holding something (see above)
17. Chocolate brownies with vanilla ice cream
18. Cute mugs...I do have more than I can store in the kitchen cabinets...but do I stop buying them??
19. Falling snow
20. The color pink.
21. Having a winning hand at bridge.
22. The sound of rain while falling asleep, no thunder because it causes Toby to crawl on top of me and then I am totally uncomfortable and can't enjoy the sound of rain with Toby breathing heavy in my ear from thunder fear. So rain falling at night has a caveat attached.
23. Book Clubs
24. The aroma of turkey roasting in the oven on Thanksgiving.
25. The scent after a spring rain.
26. Singing loudly in the car by myself and thinking I am as good as the artist on the radio. (who am I trying to kid?)
27. A really good book, the kind that you can't put down, and when finished you are sad that it's over.
28. My "go walk" sketchers...soooo comfortable.
Have you started your "happy list"? You really should, it'scathartic I'm changing that word because when I searched for the definition of cathartic it had the words "evacuating the bowels", that is definitely not what I mean. So, now I'm saying it gives me balance, grace, beauty and dignity. So much better. Have a happy week.
Until next time....
And if anyone is curious, Boone made it thru surgery without any issues and was released from the vet hospital the next morning. Bailey, however, was the one with the issues. You would have thought Boone was on his death bed the way she worried and fussed. Both are fine now and no more furniture scratching. I can now pull all the blankets off of the couch that were wrapped around each of the arms. Normal again, I guess as normal as a house with a 70 something year old, a 20 something year old, 2 dogs and 1 cat.
Oh, btw, Happy Valentine's Day. Hope it was filled with LOVE. Bailey hand-modeled for me for this shot. She has her nails manicured regularly and I thought they were perfect for holding a hand-full of heart candy. I really, really don't like that candy, it tastes like chalk with a little sugar thrown in but it made for a nice image. Give me something with chocolate and I'm a happy girl, or cream cheese. Chocolate and cream cheese together is perfection.
16. Taking photographs of hands holding something (see above)
17. Chocolate brownies with vanilla ice cream
18. Cute mugs...I do have more than I can store in the kitchen cabinets...but do I stop buying them??
19. Falling snow
20. The color pink.
21. Having a winning hand at bridge.
22. The sound of rain while falling asleep, no thunder because it causes Toby to crawl on top of me and then I am totally uncomfortable and can't enjoy the sound of rain with Toby breathing heavy in my ear from thunder fear. So rain falling at night has a caveat attached.
23. Book Clubs
24. The aroma of turkey roasting in the oven on Thanksgiving.
25. The scent after a spring rain.
26. Singing loudly in the car by myself and thinking I am as good as the artist on the radio. (who am I trying to kid?)
27. A really good book, the kind that you can't put down, and when finished you are sad that it's over.
28. My "go walk" sketchers...soooo comfortable.
Have you started your "happy list"? You really should, it's
Until next time....
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
In a Million Trillion Years...
It snowed, well if you call less than an inch barely covering the grass a snow. Then yes, it snowed. Unlike my friends up in the East who are getting dumped on once again. Wonder what this is going to do to the New Hampshire primary which is scheduled for today?? What happens in New Hampshire could change who's on the ballot around the country. Predictions say Trump vs. Sanders. Oh boy, not sure what to say about that prediction. I am not into political debating, but I think our country deserves better. I'm just going to say I never ever (in a million trillion years) thought that Trump would come this far. Enough said.
Continuing on with my happy list:
8. Birds at the feeder (anytime of the year)
9. Tulips on the window sill in February
10. The GPS in my car that guides me to my destination.
11. Cincinnati Chili 4 ways - thin spaghetti, chili, cheese, and onion. Oh yum, and that's on the menu for dinner tonight.
12. An electric blanket in the winter to warm my cold toes when I crawl into bed.
13. Memories of water skiing behind my Dad's boat.
14. The color RED
15. A good fitting bra.
Boone (the cat) is at the Vet's right now being de-clawed. I know some think that this is heartless, but the intent is that he will be an indoor cat, so defense claws are not needed. Cinder has no teeth to bite with and Toby in his 9 years of living has never bit anyone. Bailey and Boone will eventually leave and when that time comes I would like my furniture and drapes to be intact. I should add this to my happy list....declawed Boone. (sounds harsh and I am feeling a tad remorse over this, but not enough to call the vet and cancel the procedure)
Have a happy be continued.
Until next time....
Continuing on with my happy list:
8. Birds at the feeder (anytime of the year)
9. Tulips on the window sill in February
10. The GPS in my car that guides me to my destination.
11. Cincinnati Chili 4 ways - thin spaghetti, chili, cheese, and onion. Oh yum, and that's on the menu for dinner tonight.
12. An electric blanket in the winter to warm my cold toes when I crawl into bed.
13. Memories of water skiing behind my Dad's boat.
14. The color RED
15. A good fitting bra.
Boone (the cat) is at the Vet's right now being de-clawed. I know some think that this is heartless, but the intent is that he will be an indoor cat, so defense claws are not needed. Cinder has no teeth to bite with and Toby in his 9 years of living has never bit anyone. Bailey and Boone will eventually leave and when that time comes I would like my furniture and drapes to be intact. I should add this to my happy list....declawed Boone. (sounds harsh and I am feeling a tad remorse over this, but not enough to call the vet and cancel the procedure)
Have a happy be continued.
Until next time....
Monday, February 8, 2016
Look At That Face!!
Saturday was the highlight of my week. My grandson (Dad) was in charge of Matilda Mae for the day while her mom, Hilary attended a shower and a bacherlorette party. Brandon decided since he had all day he would drive down, make a trip to IKEA to pick up some essentials, and then swing by my house where we met up with her grandmother, (my daughter) I know it really gets confusing as to who's who, doesn't it?! But all that aside I spent some time with the sweetest great-granddaughter ever. I mean really, look at that face....
This was the look she was giving her grandmother as she was shopping for her latest toy. Can't resist that.....
Before we left to go shopping we had a little you may not think this is a big deal, but until now, Matilda was only happy when she was either 1) in her mother's arms 2) in her Dad's arms or 3) walking by herself. So to have her sit on her grandmother's lap and read to her is a monumental leap. She let me hold her hand, and I did hold her for about 30 seconds in the restaurant while we were waiting for a table. So we are making social headway, yippee!!
All done shopping, now off to dinner. She was perfect, never a tear, never a whine and even a comedian at the table with her peekaboo antics. I know you want a close-up of those shoes with day-of-the-week socks.
It's too bad we can't have more days like those, but I am blessed when I have them.
I stopped at TJ's after church yesterday because I only have 3 out of the bouquet of ranunculus that are still in photo op condition.
No more ranunculus and "maybe" they may get more, but in the meantime I couldn't resist this mum. Isn't she pretty? She has little spoon shaped petals that are so photo-worthy.
Scrolling down this post I realize it is filled with reds and pinks....maybe it's the month of Valentine's that is drawing me to those colors.
I only have 30 days and 10 hours left until my birthday. No, it's not a hugely significant birthday, but when you reach my age every year is definitely a celebration of life. So from now until my birthday (and probably after as well) I am listing things that make me happy. Hopefully by the time I get to my birth date I will have listed 73 items coinciding with my 73rd birthday. I did a blog-post on Focusing On Life last week, and that is what prompted me to do this. So here goes my first go...PS these are not in any significant order.
1, Having on-line bill paying. I never have to use a stamp or worry about the failure of mail delivery.
2. Hard boiled eggs and sour-dough bread toast for breakfast
3. Sitting with my pew buddies on Sunday mornings.
4. A fresh idea for a blog post.
5. A really good book.
6. Getting a good report after a mammogram.
7. Catching green lights all the way to my destination (especially when I am running late).
Think about what makes you happy. I will list more of my happy list in upcoming posts.
Until next time.....
This was the look she was giving her grandmother as she was shopping for her latest toy. Can't resist that.....
Before we left to go shopping we had a little you may not think this is a big deal, but until now, Matilda was only happy when she was either 1) in her mother's arms 2) in her Dad's arms or 3) walking by herself. So to have her sit on her grandmother's lap and read to her is a monumental leap. She let me hold her hand, and I did hold her for about 30 seconds in the restaurant while we were waiting for a table. So we are making social headway, yippee!!
All done shopping, now off to dinner. She was perfect, never a tear, never a whine and even a comedian at the table with her peekaboo antics. I know you want a close-up of those shoes with day-of-the-week socks.
It's too bad we can't have more days like those, but I am blessed when I have them.
I stopped at TJ's after church yesterday because I only have 3 out of the bouquet of ranunculus that are still in photo op condition.
No more ranunculus and "maybe" they may get more, but in the meantime I couldn't resist this mum. Isn't she pretty? She has little spoon shaped petals that are so photo-worthy.
Scrolling down this post I realize it is filled with reds and pinks....maybe it's the month of Valentine's that is drawing me to those colors.
I only have 30 days and 10 hours left until my birthday. No, it's not a hugely significant birthday, but when you reach my age every year is definitely a celebration of life. So from now until my birthday (and probably after as well) I am listing things that make me happy. Hopefully by the time I get to my birth date I will have listed 73 items coinciding with my 73rd birthday. I did a blog-post on Focusing On Life last week, and that is what prompted me to do this. So here goes my first go...PS these are not in any significant order.
1, Having on-line bill paying. I never have to use a stamp or worry about the failure of mail delivery.
2. Hard boiled eggs and sour-dough bread toast for breakfast
3. Sitting with my pew buddies on Sunday mornings.
4. A fresh idea for a blog post.
5. A really good book.
6. Getting a good report after a mammogram.
7. Catching green lights all the way to my destination (especially when I am running late).
Think about what makes you happy. I will list more of my happy list in upcoming posts.
Until next time.....
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Flowers, Audio Books, and Coloring Books (Everything You Ever Wanted to Know)
Whoop whoop, TJ's had ranunculas on it's flower cart yesterday when I stopped in after Bible Study. And there is nothing that delights me more on a cold, cloudy day in February than a fresh bunch of these gorgeous multi-petaled flowers.
And then to make the day even better they also had mini daffodils for $2.49. Now how could anyone pass up these sweet petals of golden yellow?
When you see this you can't help but think that the promise of Spring will be here shortly. Well, possibly not shortly here, but somewhere.
And speaking of Spring, my blogging buddy, Jeanne, sent me a text on Friday inviting me to join her in the hill country of Texas in April for blue bonnet season. A former photographer for Southern Living is conducting a photography tour of the area sponsored by the Dallas Arboretum, instructing us on photographing these beauties. After that adventure we will head over to Fredricksburg and delight in all that's to see and do around that area for a few days. Can't wait. Jeanne is originally from the Chicago area and now lives in the Dallas area, while I grew up in Dallas and now live here in the Chicago area. We met thru blogging and then met face to face a few years back while she was visiting family here. After that the 2 of us met in Charleston, SC a couple of years ago for a photography tour and had a great time together. Already have my plane ticket booked and Jeanne has booked our lodgings. Now Texas knows how to do Spring right, unlike here where it's iffy all thru April and even into May.
I've recently discovered a new sleeping pill. No, it's not what you think, no drugs involved. It's called audio books. I have recently downloaded some audio books along with the read-a-long kind on my Kindle when the books & audio are a reasonable price. No sooner do I turn that audio on, listen for possibly 15 minutes, and then I'm gone (asleep, that is). There is a 30 minute timer that I should set so the story doesn't get too far ahead without me actually listening. It's like falling asleep with a book on your lap that slips to the floor and you have no idea what words you last read or what page you were on. That's how I feel when I wake up and there is a voice reading to me and I have not a clue as to what I have missed or how much I need to back-up. Maybe I should be doing something productive while I am listening. Nah, I would rather fall asleep.
I ran into a friend at TJ's yesterday when I was gathering the beauties above, along with a few food items. We have decided with the extra day in February, (the 29th) we are going to have an adult coloring day party. Won't that be fun. I just bought myself a brand new box of Prismacolor colored pencils, PS those are the best if you are interested in joining the coloring craze. I have 4 coloring books that are just waiting for those strokes of color. Have you joined the coloring book craze?

I know, I know, I am a terrible grandmother, but I did buy this for my granddaughter. She thought it was the best gift ever. Oh and she is 25 years old, so it's not like I gave it to a child. So while she is coloring swear words, I will be coloring Paris objects and flowers.
OK, I'm done (in more ways than one).
Until next time......
Monday, February 1, 2016
February Already
February already, hard to believe when I am still culling through Fall, Thanksgiving and Christmas pictures. And the fact that our winter so far as been a "nothing" event. All that snow keeps dodging us. We were predicted for a snowstorm on Tuesday, but this morning reports are it will skirt us again. So no lovely snow pictures (again).
And speaking of pictures I entered an exhibit at one of our local public libraries today....not sure if I will be accepted, but it is my first time ever in doing this. I figured the best they could say is "yes" and the worst would be "no". No charge, so no risk. It is a Nature Photography Exhibit, so no domestic pets, (sorry, Cinder, Toby and Boone), and very little "hand of man" in other words, no buildings, barns, fences except if it is very obscure and not the main focus. These are the two I entered....
So, wish me luck.
Reports on the movie front....went to see Brooklyn on Saturday, good movie, sweet movie, but (in my opinion) not Oscar worthy. Saoirse Ronan (please don't ask me to pronounce this) is the leading character, an Irish girl that sails alone to the US and lands in Brooklyn where she finds, a boarding house, work, school and love. And if anybody can tell me where I have seen the Landlady that owns the boarding house in other works, (TV or movie) I would be forever grateful. You know how things come to you in the middle of the night?....well, it has been 2 nights and nothing has appeared. No aha moment. And it is really buggin' me.
Still reading "Pretty Girls" and yes, it is disturbing, but I will finish it just to find out who, why, how.
Pretty sad that Downton Abbey is down to the last wire. Last night we saw more blood than we have in the last 5 seasons. Julian Fellowes really decided to kick things up a notch. We are running out of episodes and there are too many loose ends to be tied up. At least Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson are wed, eventho he has already complained about her cooking, and looks like Mrs. Patmore may have a love shortly. Things I will miss the most....the costuming (just wonderful) and Lady Violet's stinger remarks.
And btw, in checking out the website for "Downton Abby" I figured out where I had seen the "land lady in Brooklyn". She was in another PBS series this past summer entitled Indian Summer where she played the part of an Englishwoman that owned the local social gathering place for all the uppercrust English when England ruled India. So I can rest now. I just had my aha moment.
It feels like March instead of February, 46 degrees, no wind and the sun is shining. The kids are sunbathing in the front yard. Hope February treats you well.
"Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour." - John Boswell
Until next time....
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