Tomorrow is Texture Tuesday at Kim Klassen...last week her free texture entitled Aurora, is the center of attention this week. Every entry must have at least one layer of Aurora. Aurora has quickly become one of my fav's. I am pretty partial to textures with script...
Couldn't resist buying this cute little bottle holder, I can think of many possibilities. Bought it on one of my Friday Foto Fun trips. The extra texture that looks like screen, guess what, is a screen. These little bottles were setting on the screen porch window sill with the screen in the background....maybe I should make this into a texture....ha! There are too many talented artists that create beautiful textures, and many of them are free....why in the world would I want to make my own textures??
Number 2 image with the Aurora texture. This beautiful geranium snippet is sitting on a old, peeling paint chair that I found on one of our Fun Foto Friday trips. I thought about painting it, but decided I would just leave it for it character.
Image #3...I like this one too....oh my, which one to choose.
And finally #4....a dried rose left over from the lovely flowers I bought at the French Market last weekend. Oh dear, I am going to have to pick one, or maybe not, maybe I will just keep adding them one at a time.
No texture on this, another daylily from my garden. Several years ago, on one of our trips to Saugatuck, MI, I bought 3 daylilies called Rosie Returns....a spectacular pinkish, repeat bloomer. The 2nd year, I noticed another daylily growing amongst the Rosie did I know? the extra one appeared to be quite a bit taller. Sooo, I dug it up and re-planted it and the above is the result, a spectacular red with a gorgeous yellow center. I think I have said before that daylilies are head-turning gorgeous and so easy to maintain. Get yourself some...they come in every possible color, no excuses.
I am now going to complain a is so dang hot and it is going to stay hot and even get hotter. When it gets hot here, the humidity rises with the temps making it sooo uncomfortable, in otherwords, I sweat. And I don't know about you but I don't like to sweat. I am listening to the news right now, and it is going to be miserable thru next Monday. It might last longer, the weatherman just doesn't predict longer than a week. This causes me to get cranky because I don't spend time on the screened porch, even with an overhead fan, it's still hot and now I can't even use our new attic fan. I know, I know, I am really whinning, but we had such a long, cold, snowy winter, I had great hopes that summer would be pleasant. Ok, I am done complaining now. But I can't promise there will not be more complaining as the week progresses, just sayin'.....But I am totally grateful that we do have air-conditioning.
I'll close this post with this....yesterday morning as I was walking in the garden with camera in hand, I spotted this little critter flying around the monarda...his wings are totally transparent, you can see right thru them. It is not a hummingbird, altho it resembles one, but it is classified as a moth-hummingbird , fascinating.
"Your mind must remain open at all times. If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it."
- Heraclitus
Until next time......(comments always welcomed)