Marilyn Monroe, a rather large Marilyn Monroe, I might add. The newest piece of "art" to adorn the streets of Chicago. I won't mention what the men were doing as they gazed up at the famous billowing dress, the iconic pose from "The Seven Year Itch".
The Tribune Tower is such a gorgeous building, it is seal of greatness in its gothic design . If it had a cross on top you would swear it was a grand cathedral. This building houses all the writers of the Chicago Tribune along with the talk radio station WGN. In the last few years the radio emcees now sit on the 1st floor behind glass windows so we on the street can watch them while they do their 2 hour or so talk show. It was so sunny that day that we had to press our faces right up against the glass to peer in. Can you imagine what that poor emcee sees on a day to day basis?
Not the best time of day to take a portrait picture, but being a delighted Mom, and so happy to have him home, just had to.

Right around the corner was this young man with his horse & buggy waiting for some customers. He looked like a proud papa as he looked toward his horse.
It was time for the boat tour and as we boarded and took a first glance in back of us, the Trump Tower (the building with the tall spire on top) was gleaming in the sun. If you decide that is where you want to live, it will cost you a few million, a couple of 0's too much for me. The building on the far bottom left is the Merchandise Mart. As a children's wear buyer for a small department store in my former life, I spent some time in this building.
Love the collection of so many different building designs....
The older buildings all had clocks built on them because at the time most people did not carry or even own a watch. They depended on the city to keep the time.
Most of the newer buildings are now being built of glass and steel. No more of the beautiful stone work that adorned the early buildings in Chicago. But even the oldest buildings in Chicago are less than 150 years old because in October of 1871 the Great Chicago Fire burned over 2,000 acres of land, destroying 18,000 buildings and killing 200 people. So the city literally rose from the ashes.
When the city began the clean-up of the Chicago River, the city became a popular place to live. Now there are literally thousands of places to live in downtown.
One of the most famous buildings in Chicago is the
After the boat tour, we decided we would walk down to Millenium Park.
Not only are their colorful flowers, but colorful paintings on the sides of many buildings.
The family that soaks their feet together, stays together, except perhaps for the teenage son. He needed to be sitting just a tad away from Mom, Dad, & little sis. He was a good sport tho, and let me take his picture.
Lush flower beds fill the area around Millenium Park.
Cloud Gate, or us in Chicago refer to this as "the Bean", see photo below for the obvious reason we call it the bean. It was built by a British sculptor and unveild in Chicago in 2007.
Great photo ops take place at the bean...
Us in the if this would have been designed by a woman, instead of making us look fat, she would have designed it to make us look skinny....just sayin.
A short walk from the "bean" is the bridge to the Modern Wing of the Chicago Art Institute. Standing on top of the bridge there is an amazing view of the city.
This darling young couple was trying to balance their camera on the side of a rock to take a picture of the two of them. I stepped up and volunteered to take their picture with their camera (I do that alot). After taking the pictures with their camera, I asked them to pose for me. Both of them are real beauties.
We decided it was time to start walking back to the car. We were all tired but it appears this group was more pooped than we were. The girl on the left couldn't even hold her head up.
"My happiness derives from knowing the people I love are happy." - Holly Ketchel
Until next time.....